Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wherever you are, be all there.

Since we have been back, the last few weeks have been a blur. There has been a lot of reflection, refocusing our dreams and aspirations for the kind of life we want. Most of our weeks this past month have been recuperating, getting back to a normal routine, and trying to find new hobbies and interests that will engage us with our life in California. To be honest, going back to Alaska wrecked me. I love home. So much.  And it showed me that we were missing something big in our lives.
{Exploration. Curiosity. Nature. Adventure.}
We have been getting too comfortable within the walls of our apartment, used to the routine of eating, resting, and watching movies as a hobby. In all, we have been trying to get out of a rut of being tired Of waking up and doing the same thing everyday and being overly tired from that. That's why Alaska wrecked me. Because everyday it seemed there was new beauty to be found, a new adventure to be had in our own backyard. Even with the daily routine of life. It felt life for the first time this year I could breathe and be at peace for where I'm at. But I know that's possible even here. We might just have to work at it harder. Be more creative. Go to larger depths to get that same feeling of wonderment. Don't get me wrong; I am so overly thankful for my life here, but it's just hard for me to be here at times. It's hard to not be surrounded by constant nature, to not be exploring outdoors, to not be with my closest friends, with my family, and to not be exhausted of the hot, hot sun. It's hard to be content. I really struggle with that. I know California isn't for me, but I also know this is where the Lord has us right now. I know He has us here for a reason, so instead of dwelling of the life that could be had in Alaska or Washington or Chicago or India or wherever anywhere but here is, I have been working hard to trust the Lord in this. I trust that the Lord is one that can bring joy and wonderment and adventure in our lives, no matter where we are. And not because of the sights to be seen or new walking trails to be found, but purely because that joy is found in following Christ. And following Him is the greatest adventure anyone of us can take. I am reminded of a quote that has been resonating with me lately.
"Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." - Jim Elliot 
I know. I know I should be all here because it is where God has me and being in God's will should be my greatest joy. So instead of living in the past or pining for a different life, I know I should be living to glorify God now. Right here. Right now. And looking forward to the goal and journey He has set ahead --returning to my true, complete home to be back with Him. It's a long, windy, rough road, but I know with Christ I can complete that...with joy.

There is beauty and adventure to be found. Everywhere. 
(Caleb and I exploring the outskirts of Livermore to catch a 
glimpse of God's glory in the night sky.
Perseid Meteor Shower 2013)

Having to remind myself...
Isn't life loverly?
Until next time (where I play catch-up)
   - xo Alicia 

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