Sunday, June 2, 2013

Challenge Accepted

So after telling my husband about this blog he gave me a challenge: only post photos from my camera, not from my phone. Now I know being a good photographer has nothing to do with the type of camera you have, blah, blah, blah, but the truth is I've been too attached to my camera phone and Instagram and barely pick up my camera anymore, except on ultra special occasions. And as someone who wants to be passionate again about all types of photography, that just can't be anymore, especially since I already have the equipment! Needless to say, I accepted the challenge and I've been carrying my camera around pretty much all the time and been taking more photos with Fred (my Rebel xsi whose full name is Fred Weasley the III)! Here are some photos from the weekend accepting said challenge. (But every once in a while, I may still post photos from my phone, because let's face it, that is always on hand and ready to use!) This is what happens when I use my camera finally :)

1. Goodies in the mail 2. Axis First Friday Night Outing - Meadowlark Ice Cream Outing with my small group girls 3. Thrifting and the hunt for a new chair *note:* I can't find shoes in my size at the thrift store, but I can find retro rollerskates in my size 4. Lunch at one of the best taquieras in town 5. Playing with puppies at Petco & not being able to keep any of them :( 6. Laundromat adventures 7. Wellspring Church Annual Softball tournament 8. Finally finding Peonies to dub our new pallet kitchen table that I LOVE

Life is loverly isn't it? 

Until next time, 

                xo - Alicia

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